We hope SwissParam has been useful for your research. If so, please cite the following articles:
Bugnon M, Goullieux M, Röhrig UF, Perez MAS, Daina A, Michielin O, Zoete V. SwissParam 2023: a modern web-based tool for efficient small molecule parameterization. J. Chem. Inf. Model., 2023, 63(21), 6469-75.
Zoete V, Cuendet MA, Grosdidier A, Michielin O. SwissParam: a fast force field generation tool for small organic molecules. J. Comput. Chem., 2011, 32(11), 2359-68.
And the following one if you used the MATCH approach:
Yesselman JD, Price DJ, Knight JL, Brooks CL 3rd. MATCH: An atom-typing toolset for molecular mechanics force fields. J. Comput. Chem., 2011, 33(2), 189-202.